Where Should I Upload My Short Stories

15 Websites And Apps For Creative, Fiction, and Short Story Writers To Post Their Works Online

And so you're a creative writer and you've written a piece of fiction that you want to put online. Just where do short stories become posted online? What are the story writing apps or online story sharing sites that people post to?

I often recommend commencement writers to however write on the old fashioned pen and newspaper. There's something magical about the old-fashioned way that just works. If it worked for artistic writing legends like Shakespeare, why can't information technology work for you?

Afterward writing and editing in the physical form, blazon information technology upward (or hire somebody to do it) and so post it online.

Whether this is a story y'all only thought of or a story that you've been thinking through and planning for months, at that place are a number of different options y'all tin can try when putting your work online. At this betoken, there are new sites popping up every month trying to get writers to post online and it's less about how to detect a place to post, but rather which sites are actually adept to post to. The last thing you want to do is to spend the time preparing a post only to find that the site is shutting down or doesn't accept any active readers.

I've tried just almost every writing site out there over the years, the big and the modest, the skillful and the bad, so I'm only nigh familiar with every creative writing site and brusk story app out in that location.

Here are some apps and sites where y'all can write your own story online. These online story sharing sites can help you become feedback, fans, and more!

1. Commaful

One of the well-nigh friendly writing communities I've come beyond. People are very active, friendly, and engaging. The site is mostly teens, but definitely spans a wide range where I've seen stories get feedback from teachers, professors, editors, and even bestselling authors.

The posting mode on Commaful is a bit different than traditional writing, so if you're looking to write just copy and paste a novel onto the site, then this probably isn't the best site for you. Short stories are all-time for this site (or if you just want to exam novel ideas and non write out the total story).

The site is smaller than Wattpad, but the customs is very agile and many readers and writers honey its new format for storytelling.

2. Wattpad

Ane of the largest libraries of stories on the internet, primarily teen-focused. Mostly novel or novella length content here. Because the audience size is then huge, feedback levels are hit or miss. It is definitely possible to build a large and meaningful audition here as there are many "stars" on the site who have huge followings with millions of reads.

The biggest complaint people accept about Wattpad is that poorly written content surfaces frequently. It'due south also often hard to get noticed considering the site is so big and there are so many writers trying to become attention.

Generally speaking, if you appoint with the community there, you'll at least go some readers. They may not gift yous writers, but if you work at it and have good content, you lot tin definitely build a huge audience.

People accept too got publishing deals and even motion-picture show deals from posting on Wattpad (it's a very very minor fraction, but hey, doesn't hurt correct?).

iii. Figment (RIP)

EDIT: Just checked over again and it looks like Figment is gone and got replaced by Underline, which is pretty much non active. So sad to see that!

Figment is a really pleasant community that seems to care about their writers. They promote their top creators with interviews and also feature well-known authors for interviews and book promos.

They often piece of work with schools to get student writers involved. There is a very positive surroundings and people oft encourage each other and give people feedback. It's not the largest site on this list by any means, but it's homey.

4. Medium

Medium is a place where you tin post any writing. They tend to favor non-fiction and articles over fiction, but fiction yet has its place. There are a few publications within Medium and sub-communities if you lot search around where there are solid communities for fiction.

While these communities are relatively small, they are pretty active and high quality and then the feedback quality is still pretty high. Unless you're writing life hack blazon posts, yous probably won't build a huge audience on Medium, but y'all may go some really good advice. People on Medium are more often than not fairly smart.

five. FictionPress

A site for original fiction. If you've heard of Fanfiction.net (# viii on this list), this website is the original fiction sister site of that website. Information technology'southward a fairly active community of people writing mostly novellas and novels. Information technology'southward less active than some of the other sites on this list, but yous can certainly get some good feedback and readership through information technology.

Because it is tied to i of the largest fanfiction sites in the world, many fanfiction writers plow to FictionPress to write their original stories too and so yous'll find that many writers there are likewise active participants of fandoms.

6. Smashwords

An due east-publishing platform for by and large novels, although short stories and collections are welcome too. Romance seems to be the most popular genre by far and near of the stories there are beingness sold for a cost. If yous're looking to sell your book and don't like Amazon, this is a really adept option. You lot can also postal service for free. At that place are very easy filters to filter past free and past genres and then free books still get decent exposure. According to their stats, there are over half a meg books that have been put on Smashwords, 80k of which are free. Smashwords is a big supporter of indie authors so they create a lot of content and provide resources for authors looking to self-publish, including their podcast.

7. Archive of our Own

This is the go-to fanfiction website at this point. If you are writing fanfiction (aka stories that use characters from movies or TV shows), this is the place to exist. With millions of readers and writers, this community is extremely active. Feedback is hit or miss, but in that location are definitely some sophisticated readers, fifty-fifty editors, who read through there and give slap-up communication.

If you lot take never been on a fanfiction site earlier, tread with caution. There are some very mature and aggressive themes floating around so if you aren't prepared for that yous can definitely get caught off-guard.

8. Fanfiction.internet

One of the largest fanfiction archives. This is largely considered the second all-time to Archive of Our Own now, but it nevertheless wins out in activity in certain fandoms. Most people coming to this site are interested in fanfiction, so only like with Archive of Our Own, simply postal service here if you are posting fanfiction. Many of the same warnings and communication for Archive of Our Own are likewise true for Fanfiction.internet.

9. Quotev

A very teen-oriented site that is full of fun quizzes, short stories, fanfiction, and more than. This site has a fun atmosphere where it is definitely possible to become fans. Feedback is a bit harder every bit many of the young readers aren't the best at giving actionable feedback that you can actually use.

If you're writing for the immature adult audience and just desire to see if people like it, this might be the site for y'all.

10. Tumblr

While not purely a writing site, fanfiction and relatable fiction posts still thrive. The biggest opportunity here is that Tumblr posts yet often go viral, non just on Tumblr, but across the internet. Tumblr is a hub of culture that you lot can tap into. If people like it, they can re-share it and get it in forepart of more people. Fandoms play a big function on Tumblr and then if you lot have a fanfiction slice and use the right tags, posts can really take off.

Tags are really important, and so do some research on the right tags to use to make certain you maximize your visibility for the Tumblr audition.

11. WritersCafe

Quite an old school site but yet effectually! Filled with fun writing contests, in that location are many readers and writers on the site who withal use it. People commonly share brusk stories, poetry, fairy tales, and more on the site. Its specialty is that it has a number of resources equally well, from writing courses to contests.

12. Booksie

From the design, you can tell this site is a bit old-school every bit well, but information technology still attracts a lot of actually talented writers. The site has hundreds of thousands of novels, short stories, poems, across a variety of genres and topics. The site has contests and tools to back up writers.

It seems to have a focus on the cocky-publishing angle. The community seems to be less active as many stories don't get read and those that exercise go read have very few comments. It's clear that there is some stiff talent posting hither though.

13. RoyalRoad

A niche spider web novel and fanfiction site with a really active customs. People are very friendly and there are as well a expert number of artists around who sometimes interact on book covers. At that place are a number of popular stories that have millions of views over the last few years. The site besides has a forum and Discord for members to hang out, chat, and back up each other.

The community seems to be their stiff suit.

14. The Young Writers Club

Designed specifically for young writers and featuring a lot of short stories. They have a semi-agile forum where people can collaborate and share ideas. The site has a lot of novels and poetry beingness written in the fantasy and teen fiction genre. This site is very much teen-focused and has a fairly active customs still, though it doesn't seem like the actual site itself has gotten many updates equally of late.

I think the forums are the almost interesting function of this site. People share advice with each other and talk over things related to writing and publishing.

15. FanStory

This site has some greenbacks prizes for its contests and a lot of short fiction related contests. At that place are enough of contests featuring poesy, flash fiction, and more. The site has live rankings and daily writing prompts to proceed things interesting. This onetime schoolhouse site from the early 2000s is still around and has a pretty active community. Many of the features and contests do crave payment though, then it'due south not just free cash. The site seems to be growing pretty slowly, just has a decent userbase already for people looking to build an audience.

New sites proceed popping up so as I effort more and equally more grow to a bigger size, I'll endeavour to update this list and go on information technology fresh. These should be not bad to get yous started writing online and sharing your stories!


Source: https://medium.com/@OlvaLoy/15-websites-and-apps-for-creative-fiction-and-short-story-writers-to-post-their-works-online-ffa740ea9ef

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